Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama Hitler In The White House

In my opinion I really think history is repeating its slef once again. Not that Clintons, and the Bushs didn't have a hand in the direction we are headed, because they did.

Now we have one of their cousins in the White House. Barack Hussein Obama is now the President of the United States. But yet he was not, nor has ever been a U.S. CITIZEN.

The problem is :

1. He is part of the theives who stole Trillions of dollars from the tax payers.

2. He placed Ben Bernanke over the Federal Reserve System for another fourteen years,
who helped steal Trillions of dollars from the tax payers.

3. Hussein Obama is another hitler due to the fact he wants to control every thing, and every

4. He wants to contol and reform the health care system.

If Hussein Obama was truly was concerned about the health of society-

1. He would tell the Government to stop spraying Society with the Chemtrails = bio-weapons.

( Lab 257 ) <--- Research it.

2. He granted Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services to sign into
effect a document- legally clearing the way for federal officials and the pharmaceutical
cartels of any liability of the deaths and/or damage from the death trap liquid vaccine for the
so called swine flu. Now would you call this concer for you, or his money makers?

3. If Hussein Obama really cared for children and society - he would tell the pharmaceutical
no more! He would then inform the public of the false hoods that the vaccines that
have been made over the years were really bio - weapons and never were for any disease,
but in all honesty, they were made to create problems and diseases to keep doctors and the
pharmaceutical cartels in business.

4. He would then proceed to inform the public of all the ingredients that killed newborns, and /or
caused brain injury, aids, sids, cancer, etc.

Now you and I both know- this gutless man along with all the other presidents is no way in hell going to admit to such murderious crimes. So I want you to watch his moves for where your healths concern truly is with him. $$$$

The same for your health care provider- if the doctor/nurse will not sign a document that what they are about to inject into your child with what ever vaccine- that it will not harm them in any way shape or form... and they refuse to sign it- then ask them to inject the liquid into them self right in front of you. Then walk out - because you and I both know they won't do it.

If I call this Holocaust, they say: no you can't compare it to that. Genocide is Genocide, but this is being done legally and approved by our Government.

Genocide - the systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group,
or an attempt to do this. You don't have to belong in a group to be honest.

** carried out in a methodical and organized manner

** habitually using a method or system

** deliberate and regular

** Approved by our government

Research the inserts that the doctors don't want you to see. Request the Insert- go research!
Watch Hussein Obama's moves when it comes to society.

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